Parking Lot Milling & Paving
An asphalt or concrete parking lot may need to be milled and paved if it has been determined that a resurfacing is not the best long-term solution to a faulty surface layer, or may introduce problems that would be expensive to address. Milling is the process of removing the surface layer of a pavement using equipment like our milling machine or a cold planer. Once the surface layer is removed, the new surface layer of concrete or asphalt is paved. Milled pavement may be re-applied as a new parking lot over the existing base layer as long as the base layer is intact. Millings can otherwise be used as the sub-base for another parking lot.
The asphalt in a parking lot built by paving companies in Cleveland will generally last between 15-30 years with the proper maintenance procedures in place, but without proper maintenance, the parking lot as a whole will need to be addressed within 5-7 years. In Cleveland, Ohio, the increase in lake-effect snow and ice may keep you from every reaching the higher end of that range, even with diligent maintenance and periodic repair.
A parking lot with numerous cracks and potholes will likely be recommended for a mill & pave, also called a grinding & milling job. Concrete surfaces and pavements can also be milled and paved.
Parking Lot Milling & Paving Costs
Below is our asphalt milling cost calculator. Simply identify the range of square footage your property falls into and multiply by the price listed. For Asphalt parking lot surfaces:
0-20,000 Square Foot Parking Lots: $1.45 Per Square Foot
Our crew spent many long, hot days milling and paving the IX Center parking lot in 2015.
- 20,001-50,000 Square Foot Parking Lots: $1.40 Per Square Foot
- 50,001-100,000 Square Foot Parking Lots: $1.35 Per Square Foot
- 100,001-200,000 Square Foot Parking Lots: $1.30 Per Square Foot
- 200,001-1,000,000 Square Foot Parking Lots: $1.25 Per Square Foot
Call for milling and paving prices for concrete parking lot surfaces.
It is important to note that while these prices are accurate characterizations of the costs of milling & paving, there are additional variable costs which are assessed in a case-by-case basis. Therefore, determining the price of a milling & paving project is not as simple as calculating the square footage of your parking lot and multiplying with the associated figure listed above. Varying costs include:
- The distance of the job site from our crew.
- The depth of the milling & paving procedure.
- The amount of time/effort is necessary for cleaning. An asphalt or concrete pavement must be free of vegetation, dirt and debris before our team can affect the surface.
Milling machines can remove precisely the depth of asphalt necessary to restore a parking lot. Asphalt millings are taken to be recycled at an asphalt plant.
Request a Site Visit or Estimate
If you would like to have an estimator visit your location to take a look at your parking lot or facility to provide you with a quote, please contact us.Contact Ohio Paving and Construction
To contact our office about an estimate, call 440-975-8929, or email